I assume that, you are evaluated by your physician, informed about your disease and got the answers of the following questions; Why you have to be operated? What will happen if you do not have this operation? What will you face during and after the procedure? What will be changed in your life after the operation?
Herein, I will just order the facts that a patient should pay attention during operation under general anesthesia;
- Stop the anticoagulation drugs like aspirin, coraspin, ecoprin, plavix, warfarin etc under the recommendation of your physician and if needed appropriate medicatioins should be started
- Stop the drugs that complicates anesthesia or dosage should be organised by your physician
- Quit smoking at least one week before the operation
- Do not consume alcohol before the operation
- Do not eat or drink anything for at least 6-8 hours before the operation
- The shaving of the region wil be done in the hospital. Shaving of the region one or two days before the operation will increase the risk of enfection so DO NOT SHAVE. The hair removal creams can be used safely.
- Before the day of the operation have bath, since you will not have for a while after the operation
- Take your personal stuff with you (tooth brush, tooth paste, slipper, comb, underwear, socks, book, charger etc.)
- Obey the proper diet and medication under the recommendation of your physician
- If you have, your cardiac pacemaker will be set just before the operation. Each pacemaker has different set up, so to reduce the time consuming, as soon as you are hospitilised for the operation, inform the nurses in the clinic, as well as your surgeon. Have the document of your pacemaker with you before the operation.
- Choose short sleeved, button up pyjamas
- Remove the nail paintings
- Take off the lenses
- Take dental prosthesis out
- Do not wear any maden accessory touching your skin
- Plan your schedule to be on time at the hospital
- Do not wear any other clothes (like socks, underwear etc) given by the nurses when you are taken on the stretcher
- Give the information of the relative that you decide to be connected if needed
- Inform your physician, nurses and health care staff about your drug allergy
- Be sure that the operation area is marked
- Inform your anesthesiologist if you have any congestion in your nostrils
May you recover soon...